Whether it be Bible study groups, mission activities, or leading in worship, there are many, many opportunities for adults of all ages. We want everyone to have the opportunity to find something that is a good fit for them and will allow them to grow.
Sunday morning bible studies
At 9:15 a.m. on Sunday mornings, adults come together to study the Bible and talk about how to apply its teachings to their lives. It is in this small group environment we believe people develop real and lasting relationships – with each other, and with God. While you meet with adults of your same age group or in your same life situation, children and youth will be in classes designated for them. You can view a complete list of adult Bible study options here.
Women's Bible study
Because we believe that women can often best share their hearts and lives with other women, St. Andrews offers an opportunity for women to come together to study the Bible and share life experiences. There are multiple classes during the year, some during the week while others are held on Sunday afternoon. As new groups are always forming, contact Sharon King, Minister of Adults and Administration for specific opportunities.
Young families class
Our Young Families are a group of young adults who are exploring life relationships whether in a new relationship or beginning the wonder and challenge of raising children while building a foundation for a healthy Christian family. The goal for this group is to learn about God and then to put that into practice through ministry and missions projects. Some of the things done by this group include participating in the church's School Ministry, helping with church work days to do odd jobs, adopting a family at Christmas, as well as sorting clothes and counting pills for our Honduras Mission team. Our group also gets together for fellowship times and special events. This groups meeting during the Sunday morning bible study time in the Church Parlor.
Saints alive
Saints Alive is a chance for adults, age 55 and older, to gather for a meal and get to know each other. At each Saints Alive meeting the group will be challenged or entertained through a program especially designed for seniors. Meetings always include good food and lots of laughs. Plan to join us on the fourth Thursday of the month at 11:30 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall.
Contact the Church Office if you have any questions.
tools for parents
Being a parent is truly the toughest job you'll ever love. Raising children is challenging, especially guiding them to grow in their own personal faith. We need the guidance and support of others as we strive to teach our children to grow into men and women after God's heart. This job is way too big to do alone.