Online giving
At St Andrews Baptist, we believe that giving of our first fruits is an act of worship and a way that we can honor God with what He has given us. For your convenience, we’ve included additional options beyond the traditional “passing the plate.”
Thanks to your generosity, God has greatly increased the effectiveness of St Andrews Baptist through your gifts. You have an opportunity, as at no other time in history, to transform our world through God’s Word, one life at a time. That’s why we’re excited to let you know about a new way to give that is quick, easy, and goes with you wherever you go.
SABC Online Giving Guide
Getting Started:
“Quick Give” lets you give without setting up a donor account
Click “First Time” to set up your donor account
Once your account is set up, simply enter your email and password
One Time Gift made by Debit/Credit Card:
Login by entering your email address and password
Select which fund(s) you would like to donate to from the list
Enter your donation amount
Add your card information and billing details
Click “Submit” to process your donation
One Time Gift made by Electronic Check:
Login by entering your email address and password
Select “Use Check” at top right of your screen
Select which fund you would like to donate to from the list
Enter your donation amount
Add your bank account information
Click “Authorize” to submit your donation
Automatic Recurring Donations made by Debit/Credit Card:
Login by entering your email address and password
Select “Scheduled Giving” on the left hand navigation
Select which fund you would like to donate to from the list
Enter your donation amount
Select the frequency, number of installment and start date
Add your card information and billing details
Click “Activate Schedule” to start your recurring donation schedule
Opt to pay 2.5% Fee:
SABC will incur a fee for each transaction made through online giving. You can choose to pay an additional 2.5%, which goes toward the cost of using this service. You will receive tax credit on the total amount given, including the fee. Electronic checks have a smaller fee as compared to a debit or credit card.
Three Donations in One:
You may choose up to three funds in one transaction to help offset our per transaction fees. If you give to multiple funds, please make sure you include details of how much you are giving to each fund in the comment line.
If you are giving a memorial or honorarium, please make sure you put that person’s name in the comment line.
ways you can donate:
In Person
However much you decide to give, we appreciate it. Money can be brought by the church at your convivence or during service.
By mail
For non-financial gifts:
PO Box 211545
Columbia, SC 29221