In the almost twelve years we’ve been together as pastor and congregation, I’ve heard many St. Andrews stories. Yes, I’ve heard about some hilarious moments in worship and some legendary tales of youth mission trips, but the stories I’ve listened to most closely are the stories of how people came to find a personal faith and a spiritual home in our church family. If I didn’t know better, I might think that some people copied someone else’s story because a surprising number of them begin with the same line. But, I know better. I know that many stories of people finding Christ and making a home at St. Andrews begin the very same way: “Someone invited me…” Most of the people who call St. Andrews home came here because someone they knew and trusted invited them to join them for worship, study, and church life. Some people who visit our church tell us that they found us through an internet search. A few say that they were introduced to us through a worship service recording. I’ve had a person or two tell me that they came to our church because of our reputation of ministering to the needs of people in our community. But most people who join our church do so because of someone’s personal invitation.
When was the last time you invited someone to come with you to church? One important quality of a mature follower of Jesus is an invitational lifestyle, a daily way of life that recognizes and makes the most of opportunities to share the good things of God with others.
Sunday, November 5, we will observe Friend Day at St. Andrews. Friend Day is a day we set apart to invite and bring a friend to church. You have about six weeks in which to make this happen. Pray about people you know who need to know Christ or need to return to church life. Think about the best time and place to offer your invitation. Offer to give that person a ride to church on that day and take them to lunch after worship. Just imagine, by offering a simple invitation, you might be the name mentioned first in someone’s St. Andrews story. “I found a faith and a family here because you invited me.”