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Our Greatest Need

What does our church most need to strengthen our faithfulness to Christ and our future?


My answer to that question is simply this:  “We need more ‘Andrew’ in St. Andrews Baptist Church.” 


Let me tell you what I mean.  The Apostle Andrew was not the leader of the disciples.  He’s not quoted in the gospels as much as his brother, Peter, or James or John.  He was, in many ways, a regular guy Jesus called to follow Him.  But Andrew had a way of living that changed the world.  Again and again, he brought people to Jesus.  In fact, the first thing Andrew does after answering Jesus’ call to follow Him is to find his brother, Simon, and bring him to meet Jesus for himself.  That introduction changed Uncertain Simon into Peter, one of the first leaders of the church. 


Our church is made up of regular folks like you and me.  Few of us will be on the evening news or written about in a church history book.  But you and I can practice a way of life that changes the world, just as Andrew did.  We can bring people to Jesus. 


I’m leading a Wednesday night study to help you begin that world-changing way of life, Growing to Reach Others: Spiritual Preparation for Effective Witness. The time you’ll spend studying, discussing, and applying the lessons we’ll learn will help you become the kind of Christian who reaches out to people outside our church and our faith and helps them meet Jesus for themselves. 


I’m praying that you and I, as a result of what God does through this study, will put more “Andrew” in St. Andrews Baptist Church, that you and I will change the world by bringing people to Jesus.  Join us for church supper at 5:15 p.m. and our time of prayer and study at 6 p.m.  This study will be livestreamed on Facebook for those who cannot attend in person. 


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