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St Andrews Baptist Church Members and HB Rhame Saints Partnership

REMEMER: Your in-person involvement with students at Rhame Elementary depends solely on your positive background security check with Richland School District One. The application is located on their website. Once you complete the application you will be notified in an email by Raptor which informs you of the next step of accessing the District Volunteer Portal. District Office will send Rhame Elementary a list of all secured Volunteers. Call Sandra Deming if you have questions (843-610-9901). As you complete the screening and receive your notification, Sandra will give you a ‘halo’ as a SAINTS Volunteer!


· The Prayer Walk on Saturday August 12 was wonderful and meaningful for those who participated at the school. Thank you for those churches and Ministers who braved the early morning sunshine. Continue to pray daily for Rhame Elementary School.

· The Rhame Staff lunch on Tuesday, August 15 was fabulous! Everyone enjoyed a refreshing sandwich plate with an assortment of delicious desserts and COLD WATER in our Fellowship Hall planned and served by four area churches! The door prizes were an added treat for the Staff as well as some donated books for interested teachers to use in their classrooms for student leisure reading time. A huge Thank You to the Sunday Morning Bible Study classes and individuals who donated food and money to help with the meal. It was great to have so many SABC helpers and other churches welcoming Rhame Staff at the doors as they arrived and making each one feel extra special. There was a bonding of all the area church volunteers and Ministers. The Staff were very grateful for the meal and the partnership of the local churches. It was a joyous event!


· Be mindful of your opportunity to purchase gift cards for Rhame Teachers during the first 2 Sundays in September. These gift cards will be given to the Teachers instead of school supplies. Other area churches collected school supplies for Rhame. However, certain supplies do not last for very long and need to be replenished by the classroom teacher. A gift card in the amount of your choice will be greatly appreciated! A large box with a slot will be in the Atrium on Sept 3 and again on Sept 10 for your contributions. If you will please put your gift card in an envelope and write a special note or prayer, it will encourage the Teacher knowing someone cares! The gift cards will be collected again in January as needed. Thank you in advance.

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