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Give of Your Best Offering Goal and Projects Announced

Give of Your Best to the Master Day is a time to remember God’s faithfulness to our church through the years and an annual opportunity to bring our gifts together to accomplish great things. Last year, your GOYB gifts allowed us to retire the church debt years ahead of schedule. This year’s offering we will receive May 21 will allow us to take other important steps forward. Our finance committee has talked to church leaders and committees and learned of several needs we can address this year. After prayerful discussion, our finance committee is challenging us to give $75,000 to the GOYB offering to achieve these goals:

  • Replace the electronic display in our church sign with newer technology to improve the appearance and clarity of the information we display to our community.

  • Replace the worn-out display screen in the sanctuary with a new worship display system. We have engaged a video company to recommend the best new system to enhance our worship services.

  • The computer which is the “brain” of our graphics and video livestream systems is outdated and underpowered for these functions. We need to replace it with an up-to-date model.

  • Our tech team uses several tall chairs to give them a clear view of the worship service while providing the sound, lighting, graphics, and livestream. Some of these chairs are broken and need to be replaced.

  • All funds received beyond the cost of these technology improvements will be designated for repairs and improvements to our Christian Activity Center to make it more functional for church and community groups. The cost of these improvements is more than we can meet with one year’s offering, but we can save funds and take first steps toward this goal.

Give of Your Best to the Master Day is Sunday, May 21. After Bible Study and a special worship service, we will share a catered meal on the grounds including our famous homemade barbeque. You are asked to bring desserts to round out the meal. Invite family and former members to come home for this day of worship and fellowship.

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