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Rhame: Reading Matters

 SABC along with our Partnership with St Andrews Lutheran, Virginia Wingard Memorial United Methodist, and Westminster Presbyterian Churches are thrilled to Volunteer at our neighborhood Elementary School in various events this school year.  We are excited to have this wonderful partnership to be of greater service to Rhame.

SABC will continue to Volunteer with School-wide events such as Science Fair judging, Book Fair cashiers, Student quarterly achievement incentives, classroom treats at certain holidays, supporting Teacher/Staff Appreciation Days, etc.


The following are the 3 focus areas with a priority need for your involvement.


1.  PRAYING - A list of specific names of Rhame Educators and Staff will be provided for your intentional praying each month.  Rhame Staff are grateful knowing the Faith-Based Partners are praying for them individually during the school year.  It is making a difference! Thank you for your intercessory prayers on their behalf! 

A monthly Prayer Time is scheduled at 8:00AM on the 1st Monday at the outside Rhame Flag Pole for all partnering churches to gather and pray for Staff needs from the 'Staff Prayer Box' available for them to use. 


2.  READING MATTERS - READ TO SUCCEED is a Reading Program at Rhame where a Volunteer is paired with a (2nd/3rd grade) struggling reader who shows potential for making progress but needs some individual attention from a Tutor to enhance needed reading skills. The Volunteer has to be cleared (Background Security Check from District) in order to Tutor a student(s). There is a commitment of 30 minutes per student each week for the year. There is a 90-minute mandatory training with Richland One School District personnel before Tutoring.  This Reading Tutoring has become a great Mentoring experience for both the student(s) and Volunteer.


3.  WEEKEND STUDENT SNACK BAGS for one 9-weeks - Beginning in August - October SABC will provide 30 snack food bags for identified students in need of food over the weekends. SABC will provide Family Food Boxes to identified student families over Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Easter holidays.


Please let me hear from you about being more intentionally involved with Rhame students and Staff as there is a place just for you! Volunteers choose how they can be involved, and the same is true for you. 

Thank you, SABC for your financial support throughout the school year as you are so generous in giving when there is a need.  

Rhame School sign reads, KINDNESS MATTERS EVERY DAY.  As we live and practice SABC One Priority, we know that to be true!  


Contact me as needed.  Love & Blessings to all. 

-Sandra Deming (843-610-9901)

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